• Silk Vs Milk

    Silk Vs Milk
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    Regular cows' milk and soy milk are both packed with nutrients and are fairly interchangeable. However, some people have a difficult time tolerating cows' milk, and soy milk isn't for everybody. In many cases, taste preference or the presence of a cows' milk allergy, lactose intolerance or a soy allergy determines which milk is a better choice for you. Nutrient Comparison Low-fat cows' milk and soy milk contain similar amounts of essential nutrients.

    Each type of milk provides about 8 grams of protein per cup and is rich in, or fortified with, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B-12. With the exception of skim milk, cows' milk contains saturated fat and cholesterol, while soy milk does not.

    Feb 22, 2015 - A typical product, Silk Original Coconut Milk, has 5 grams of saturated fat per cup, vs. 4.6 grams for whole milk, 3.1 grams for 2% milk and trace. Silk milk has a disclaimer on every package which says it is made on on shared equipment with Almond milk and Coconut milk. We I called the company I was told they batch test the soy milk for almond and coconut.

    Silk Vs Milk


    In fact, soy milk is a source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. Calorie Content and Weight Control Cows' milk generally contains more calories than soy milk. A cup of provides just over 100 calories, but a cup of contains just 80 calories.

    Light soy milk often provides just 50 calories, but skim cows' milk generally contains 90 calories. If you choose, you'll be getting about 150 calories per cup. Though soy milk is generally lower in calories, cows' milk may be the most beneficial when you're trying to lose weight, according to a study published in 2011 in. However, a study published in 2012 in the found that soy milk appears to help reduce waist circumference. Which is Heart Healthier? Both cows' and soy milks might help lower your heart disease risks. A review published in 2014 in found that milk and milk products, like yogurt and cheese, are associated with lower heart disease risks.

    In fact, authors of this review suggest that even full-fat dairy foods containing saturated fat may protect against heart disease. Another study published in 2007 in the found that soy milk helps reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is your bad blood cholesterol.

    Which Helps Build Muscle? Cows' milk and soy milk are both effective for muscle building if you resistance train regularly. These two milks are both sources of complete protein, and contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscle. However, whey protein found in cows' milk appears to be more effective than soy protein at promoting muscle gains, according to a study published in 2013 in.

    Potential Concerns A few potential concerns may help you determine which milk is the best choice for you. If you have a cows' milk allergy, soy milk may be your best bet. If you're lactose intolerant, try lactose-free cows' milk or soy milk. Suggests steering clear of soy milk if you have a soy allergy or gout - but if you suffer from hot flashes soy may help relieve your symptoms.

    If you can't drink cow's milk or you want an alternative, you might enjoy almond milk. Almond milk is made by pressing the juice from the nuts, and Silk is one widely available brand of the beverage. The Silk brand offers several varieties of almond milk, each with its own nutritional profile.

    Certain ones, for example, contain added sugar, while others don't. No matter which variety you choose, you'll get a good dose of key vitamins and minerals that support strong bones and other aspects of your health.

    A cup of original Silk almond milk contains 60 calories and 2.5 grams of fat, none of which is saturated fat. This is one advantage over whole and reduced-fat cow's milk, which do contain saturated fat.

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    Saturated fats aren't good for your heart and can raise your levels of bad cholesterol. Vanilla and dark-chocolate Silk almond milk each contain 2.5 grams of fat per cup, none of which is saturated. The vanilla has 90 calories per cup, and the dark chocolate contains 100 calories per cup. The unsweetened varieties contain about 30 calories per cup.

    All flavors of Silk almond milk contain 1 gram of protein per cup, which is less than than the 8 or 9 grams in a cup of cow's milk. That's about 2 percent of the 46 grams of protein women need each day, and about 1 percent of the 56 grams men require daily. All varieties of Silk almond milk are excellent sources of calcium, which is crucial for strong bones and teeth. A cup of the original Silk almond milk contains about 45 percent of the 1,000 milligrams of calcium you need each day, and the same amount of calcium is found in the vanilla, dark-chocolate and unsweetened varieties. Silk almond milk also delivers about one-quarter of the 400 international units of vitamin D you need on a daily basis.

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    Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and promotes a healthy immune system. If you drink the unsweetened varieties of Silk almond milk, you won't be getting any added sugar. Unlike cow's milk, which contains only natural sugars, the flavored Silk almond milks have added sugar. Too much added sugar can contribute to unhealthy weight gain and heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends that women get no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day, and that men limit their intake to 9 teaspoons or less each day.

    A cup of vanilla Silk almond milk, for example, contains 16 grams of sugar, which is about 4 teaspoons. A cup of dark-chocolate Silk almond milk has 17 grams of sugar, and a cup of the original contains 7 grams. In terms of sugar content, the unsweetened Silk almond milk varieties are the way to go. If you don't like the taste of these, consider the light varieties. A cup of light original has 5 grams of sugar, and a cup of light vanilla contains 11 grams.

    If you're looking for ways to increase your protein and fiber intake, you might consider the Silk Protein + Fiber varieties. A cup of the original or vanilla Protein + Fiber contains 5 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, which is about 20 percent of your daily recommended intake. Copyright © 2019 Leaf Group Ltd. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM,. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation.

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    Silk Vs Milk